Forgiveness, Please

I know I’ve been slacking on my blog – please forgive me! A new post, in fact several new posts, are coming soon. Topics include a book review, a product review and some general musings on music and other thoughts.

Soon, friends! I promise.

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Wendy BarnhartComment
Check Your Pet's Tags

I was on the highway, on my way to the dentist. As I sped along I noticed a dog on the side of the rode who had obviously been hit by a car at some point. Well, I couldn’t just continue on my way so I exited the highway and circled back around to the dog.

I pulled over hoping beyond hope that he might be alive and just in need of some veterinary care. But, very sadly, this was not to be the case. It was a gruesome scene and I suspect the dog died instantly.

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Wendy BarnhartComment
Write Stuff for Writing

At a recent event for writers, I dropped my business card into the fish bowl on Anne Randolph’s display table. She was there promoting the various workshops she offers, both online and in person, and she was giving away a free workshop. Well, lo and behold, it seemed to be my lucky day! I won one of her Kitchen Table Writing workshops, one that she does out of her home.

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Wendy BarnhartComment