Writers and SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Okay, stop yawning. I know that title doesn’t get you all excited to read on. But, my friends, this is important. As a writer you must build your platform. Part of that means having a website and/or blog that is showing up on search engines and attracting traffic. And a key to being successful at that is SEO.

In Randy Ingermanson’s latest ezine (which I highly recommend; you can sign up on his website), he published an interview with Donovan Kovar, an expert in SEO. With Randy’s permission I am republishing that interview here, for your reference. I hope you give it a read and find it useful on your road to publishing success. 

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Recommendations for Writers

I’ve been writing stories for as long as I can remember. But I’ve been only writing “for real” (aka working really hard to make “writing stories” my profession) for about a year. During that time, I’ve read books on the craft, attended conferences and absorbed information, joined and participated in writers’ groups and taken some workshops and courses online.

While working to update and hone my skills I’d heard great things aboutMargieLawson.com so I decided to check out the site and see what she had to offer. I was pleased to discover a nice variety of courses available online. Even more pleasing? The prices are extremely affordable (IMHO). 

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From being tagged to receiving awards – can life get any better?? Okay, there’s that whole publishing thing…but can life get any better in the next few minutes? 

Today I received the Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award from one of my new Campaign friends, Catherine A. Winn. Thank you, Catherine! You can find that post and her blog here. I encourage you to visit, especially if you’re looking for a new smoothie recipe. Or you’ve ever loved-loved a cartoon character.

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