You are Creative. Yes, You Are.

This was posted by Randy Ingermanson last week and I want to share it here. And this applies to everybody, not just writers.

Your Creative SuperpowersIf you’re a human being, then you’re creative.If you’re a novelist, then you’re very creative.

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Crime Scenes - Did You Know?

I attended the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers conference a few weeks ago. It was informative and social and fun. I could give you a report on all things writerly that I learned, but there have been plenty of posts about that already. Instead, I thought I’d share some tidbits from one particular workshop: Mock Crime Scene. If you like crime shows, you might find some of these nuggets interesting.

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Book Review: Falling in Love with Joseph Smith b Lane Barnes

Falling in Love with Joseph Smith: Finding God in the Unlikeliest of Places byJane BarnesMy rating: 1 of 5 stars

This is a review of the “uncorrected manuscript for limited distribution.”

I was very interested in reading this book. Having grown up in Salt Lake City as a non-Mormon, I was curious about what would bring this woman to a place, in her adult life, where she decided to convert to Mormonism.

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