Ready to Welcome 2019

2018 is winding down and I’m thinking about what I know is happening in 2019, and wondering about what I don’t know. The unknown keeps life interesting, right? I mean, if we knew exactly what was going to happen each and every day, what would be the point?

Maybe the fact that we don’t know what is yet to come is exactly the point. Doesn’t matter what surprises come our way in life, just that they come — good, bad, interesting, confusing, whatever. Yes?

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Denver Comic Con Rocks!

I was honored and delighted to be a guest author at Denver Comic Con 2018 and I had a rousing good time! Love the people that run the organization, and I love the Pop Culture Classroom mission and focus. It's hard not to be happy to play even a small role in supporting their success. 

And who doesn't love supporting an amazing organization while having fun at the same time? Denver Comic Con was non-stop action and non-stop fun. First I must say THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by my booth to chat about books and dogs and cosplay.

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