Into the Writing Cave


2019 started with excellent intentions and planning, but as they say, the best laid plans… January got away from me, February got away from me, and then March—also slipping through my grasp—brought me to a mini-meltdown and I announced to my friends and family I was sequestering myself in my writing cave until early July. I was determined to write the next book in my Jason Lex series. The only time I’d exit the cave would be for events already on the calendar, and when the first draft was written, critiqued, edited, and ready to go to my developmental editor.

I’m happy to report July arrived and I delivered my manuscript on time! I didn’t move very much for all those many weeks, and my muscles didn’t hesitate to remind me, but I did it!

Who’s ready to read the next adventure of Jason Lex? (Me!) :)

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