What's Important in 2020

This year - 2020 - has been like no other in my lifetime. Probably your lifetime, too.

“Unprecedented.” Will this be the most overused word of the year? I don’t know. And honestly, it doesn’t matter.

But there are some things that do matter. They matter to me, and they matter to many, and should matter to everybody. People wiser than I have written and spoken on the topics below, so I’m not going to lecture here about why everyone should be on board. But I do want to add my voice, small though it is, to bring the volume of “many” up a little louder.

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I used to think I didn’t need to be part of the anti-racism conversation because I wasn’t racist. I was wrong. And I’m still wrong on so many fronts, but I’m learning. I’ve learned it isn’t enough to be “not racist,” but we need to be “anti-racist.” I realize I’ve been conditioned to accept some things because that’s “the way it is” without even realizing I was accepting these things. I’ve learned I haven’t been part of the solution, and I need to be, I must be, and I am now working to be part of the solution. To listen. To support. To take action.

To be anti-racist.

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However people gender-identify, whomever people choose to love, I support you all. Love is love and there’s nothing wrong with more love in the world. You be you, you are beautiful, you are a treasure in this world.


Wearing a face mask to help protect yourself and others from COVID-19 is such a small thing. Look, by wearing masks, we’re saving lives. Without years of medical school and hefty student debt, we’re saving lives. Donating blood saves lives, too — give if you can. But wearing a mask is even easier — no needles, no special trip to a donation center, no extra effort at all. Go about your life in a socially-distanced way and wear a mask. Easy peasy.


Will supporting the above three things save the world? Well, I was going to say, “probably not,” but you know what? Supporting Black Lives Matter, the LGBTQ+ community, and wearing a face mask whenever you’re out and about actually could help save the world.

Be a superhero and save the world.

Add your voice.

And vote in people who are superheroes, too.

Be well, be happy, and love to all.

Wendy Barnhart2 Comments