Platform Building Campaign

For all you writer-types and blogger-types out there – you know that one of the keys to success in your writing career is to build a solid platform on the Internets. (Sidenote: yes, I know there is a grammatically incorrect “s” there on “Internets.” I’m just silly like that.)

Writer Rachael Harrie offers a great way to help you build your platform with the Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign. It launched on August 22nd – get on over there and sign up. The List of Campaigners closes on August 31st and you don’t want to be left behind, do you? It’s a great opportunity! Hope to see you out there.

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Family, Family and More Family

It’s been a summer jam-packed with family visits both on my side and my husband’s side of the family. And I’ve truly enjoyed every minute of it. Almost. Okay, I’ve enjoyed 98% of it. (Oh family drama, how you like to show up at  the least expected moments…) 

During the family visits in Colorado, we had the pleasure of hosting Kevin’s uncle, Tom Welsh, and his daughter (Kevin’s cousin), Mary Lynn Walsh. I had such a great time getting to know them both better.

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Wendy BarnhartComment
Personal Musical Tags

We’ve all heard about, and likely experienced, the sensation of a scent triggering certain memories. Perhaps freshly baked chocolate chip cookies remind you of a favorite aunt, or a particular perfume will always be associated with your mother or grandmother. For me, tea roses always brings my attention to my grandmother, Mary. In fact, whenever I smell it I’m certain her spirit is nearby (but that’s another discussion for another time).

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