Book Review: The Rook by Daniel O'Malley

I usually don’t read books hot off the press (I already have a lengthy “to-read” list) but the premise of The Rook grabbed me. And the line “the body you’re wearing used to be mine” was too enticing to resist. And I was not disappointed.

Myfanwy Thomas is a very likable character. She wakes up with amnesia, in the rain, surrounded by bodies wearing latex gloves. The note in her pocket (with the aforementioned line) is all she has to connect her to her former reality. She reacts to all of this with strength and smarts, not to mention a keen sense of wit and humor.

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Wendy BarnhartComment
Online Shopping Delight: Goat Milk Stuff

There is a delightful little family-owned business called Goat Milk Stuff. Guess what they do? They make stuff out of goat’s milk.  I recently read about them in Oprah Magazineand decided to check out their website.

The Goat Milk Stuff website is great – easy to use, excellent descriptions of their products, even some videos. I read about the Jonas family and their eight kids and learned that everyone has a job. It’s sweet, it’s fun, it’s a nice little success story where a hobby morphed into a hopping business.

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Wendy BarnhartComment
A New Year, A New Family Member

The holidays brought a special gift to us this year – a new family member. His name is Boon and he is an american bulldog mix; we adopted him from the Humane Society of Central Arizona. Sadly, he had been living at the shelter since April 2011 when his family dropped him off there because they were moving to a place where they couldn’t have dogs.

Those of you who know me know that this kind of story, where a dog or cat (or any family pet) just isn’t that important or valued, drives me crazy. If you’re thinking about getting a pet, ask yourself this question: What’s more important to me? My pet or where I live? If your answer is “where I live” then don’t get a pet. But I digress.

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