Book Review: Wayward Saints

This is a review of the ARC provided by HyperionVoice. According to the details on this copy of the book, it is scheduled to go on sale January 17, 2012.

Wayward Saints is written by Suzzy Roche, one of the founding members of the three-sister band, the Roches. The book is a fictional account of a woman, Mary Saint, who was herself a lead singer of an alternative band called Sliced Ham and it chronicles her life with glimpses into her childhood, her touring experience and her current circumstances.

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Wendy BarnhartComment
A Simple Resolution for 2012

I am not one to make a list of resolutions with the turn of the new year. It just feels burdensome. That doesn’t mean I’m not keen on the idea of self-improvement. I’m fully committed to that, whether it be learning something new (besides improving my writing skills I’m also working on learning French thanks to Rosetta Stone; an excellent program, by the way) or changing something about myself that needs a bit-o-tweaking. I just try to do it more as an ongoing project rather than a “it’s January 1st – let’s do this thing” kind of thing. Consequently I usually skip articles or blogs that say things like, “Top 10 Resolutions You Must Do This Year.”

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Wendy BarnhartComment
Holiday Party Hearty

My husband and I attended three parties in eight days and, yes, we had a very nice time at each of them.

The first party of the three was a wedding reception for a woman at my husband’s workplace – his new workplace. At that party, at the beginning of the evening I knew no one except my husband. The second party, one week later, was his company’s official holiday party. At this event I knew quite a few of the people that I’d met at the first party.

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Wendy BarnhartComment