Post Cyber-Monday Funk

Yesterday I grabbed Cyber Monday by the horns and blazed a trail across the Internets. I researched, I analyzed, I clicked and I purchased. And I saved lots and lots of money. I was damn near giddy yesterday evening when I told my husband about all of my shopping successes.

So, I was on the computer for six straight hours but you know what? I am done with my holiday shopping. That’s right. Done. Finished. Fini. And it feels good.

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Wendy BarnhartComment
Slo Mo Fo NaNoWriMo

So…about this whole NaNoWriMo thing…

Well, let me just say it. It is unlikely that I will successfully complete my 50,000 words before the end of the month. And you know what? I’m totally okay with it.

I was feeling pretty stressed after week one. The Things of Life were interrupting my focused writing time (as they do) and I fell behind. And I knew other days were coming where it was unlikely I’d meet the minimum word goal. And then I’d fall more behind. And I wasn’t allowing myself to flesh out things in my scenes, characters, etc., because the idea is to just write, write, write. That was stressing me out, too.

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Wendy BarnhartComment