Tools for Writers: The Emotion Thesaurus

THE EMOTION THESAURUS: A Writer’s Guide to Character Expression, by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi, is one of the best writing tools I’ve discovered. Angela and Becca run the fab website, Writers Helping Writers. 

Are you sometimes challenged with showing versus telling? This book is for you.

Do you find yourself using the same body language over and over again when you’re trying to convey a particular emotion? This book is for you.

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What In A Name?

Between critique groups, writing contests and feedback for friends, I’ve read a lot of writers’ work lately. And the thing that jumped out at me, over and over, is the fact that the majority of those stories have characters whose names start with the letter A.

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Wendy BarnhartComment
Failure Is Your Friend

You have failed.

I have failed.

For most of us, failure is a tough thing. The arrows in this photo show success is a different direction than failure. That’s wrong. Those arrows should be pointing the same direction.

Fear of failure paralyzes people and discourages the desire to try. And why? Because failure is powerfully negative. We believe someone may think less of us. And we might think less of ourselves. A lot less.

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