Happy Big New Year

Happy 2016!

This year is off to a big start for me. THE RAMPART GUARDS, my debut novel, launches into the world on February 26th. Along with that, I now have an author page on Amazon, and another one on Goodreads. Crazy!

I also received this review from Foreword Clarion Reviews -- made me giddy!

If you want to celebrate the release of my novel, please join us for the launch party at BookBar on February 26th. I'll also be signing books at Tattered Cover Bookstore - Aspen Grove in March (final date yet tbd). Current info is on my Events page.

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Wendy's Website - New and Improved!

I have a new website!

Isn't it pretty? Even if you don't think it's pretty, please lie and tell me that it is. And feel free to embellish.

But honestly, how can you not think it's pretty when the facts say otherwise? After all, the homepage features our adorable pups, Maggie, Boon, and Shea. (Okay, and my thighs and Kevin's thighs, but they don't really qualify as pretty or adorable.)

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My Writing Process Blog Tour

Welcome and thank you for stopping by during the Writing Process Blog Tour. It’s a fun opportunity for us writer folk to not only share a bit about how our writing process works (and it varies from writer to writer to writer), but also to look a little more closely at our own process and make sure we’re being as efficient and productive as possible. Or as much as we possibly can be on any given day. 

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