Goodbye Summer - Audiobook Giveaway

Sadly, or perhaps happily if you're somewhere where the heat / humidity / bugs / insert-element-of-summer-that-displeases-you has become too much, summer is coming to an end. In Colorado, that means cooler evenings that trigger leaves to change to fall colors. And autumn is one of my favorite seasons. Not that I'm looking forward to snow, but it can be delightful as well.

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THE RAMPART GUARDS is now an audiobook, narrated by the talented Brian Callanan. To celebrate, I'm giving away five copies of the audiobook, and hope the winners would be so kind as to write a review on after you've listened to it and enjoyed it.

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Wendy BarnhartComment
Wicked Ink Books Anthology Cover Reveal and CONTEST

In addition to my own writing, I’m part of a talented group of writers, smart women every one. In fact, we’re not just a group – we’re a publisher. We call ourselves Wicked Ink Books.

Last year, while basking (read: writing, eating, and drinking wine) in the mountains of Breckenridge, Colorado, we birthed Wicked Ink Books and decided to produce at least one anthology per year. I’m excited to announce that our first anthology is ready to be released into the world. It’s called TICK TOCK: SEVEN TALES OF TIME. Check out our fantastic cover:

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