Book review: heart warriors by Amanda Rose

This is a review of the Advance Reader Copy

For me, this was a tough read — but let me quickly clarify that and tell you that any book, especially a memoir, that talks about the suffering of children is a tough read for me. That being said, I did enjoy Heart Warriors.

The author, Amanda Rose Adams, shares a very real and personal experience with the reader. She is a woman committed and driven to holding onto hope and finding help for her son, Liam, who was born with congenital heart disease.

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Wendy BarnhartComment
geek training: zombies, run!

So…I’m writing a post about zombies. If someone told me when I started this blog that I’d be writing a post about zombies — well, I would have scoffed. Laughed. Perhaps even sneered. Yet here we are.

I’m proud of the geekiness that is part of me. I have no shame about that. And I don’t begrudge those who are obsessed with zombies (brother-in-law – I’m lookin’ at you), but zombies have never been my thing. They’ve just never really grabbed me (pun intended – heh, heh).  

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Wendy BarnhartComment
Book Review: Handling Sin by Michael Malone

Handling Sin by Michael MaloneMy rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a tricky book for me to rate and review. I’d really like to give it about 3.4 stars but, clearly, that isn’t an option. Following the rules of rounding, I should technically give it three stars, but that just seemed too low.

Here’s the thing. This book is funny. It has great characters. Are some of them a bit stereotypical? Yes. But stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason, and these characters are still interesting.

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Wendy BarnhartComment