The Pikes Peak Writers Conference was last week and there are bunches-o-blogs out this week with conference wrap ups. Well, far be it from me to not get in on this action. But rather than essay it, I’m bulleting it. My highlights, in no particular order:
Read MoreNo doubt about it, writing is a tough gig.
It’s tough to make a living, to find an agent, an editor, a publisher.
It’s tough to sit down and do it – how many people do you know who “want to write a novel?” And how many do you know that have actually done it, published or not?
Read MoreThis is a review of an Advance Uncorrected Galley
Born Wicked by Jessica SpotswoodMy rating: 3 of 5 stars
First off – the cover is gorgeous. So Born Wicked definitely has that going for it.
As for inside the book – I really enjoyed it. The premise is creative, the romance is fun, the conflict is intriguing. It kept me interested and it kept me entertained. But it all went by so quickly. I think I wanted to be worried just a little bit longer, afraid for certain characters just a little bit more, anxious about the risks and fears a little more deeply. The bones are there, and they have meat – but I wanted more on them.
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